Saturday 24 January 2009

Something 'bout my generation

In British society today, it seems a great deal of attention is being placed on the behaviour or rather misbehaviour of today's youth.

In an age where it's not uncommon to see a headline on TV or in a newspaper, about trouble with the younger generation, perhaps the older generation need to take a look at themselves and ask why has this generation turned out so bad, if in fact they are as bad as they believe.

If the parents and grandparents of today were to reminisce about the days when they were young, in the days of the teddy boys, the mods, the rockers, the punks and the skinheads, would they remember that they were the innovators of teens rebelling against their parents. I think they would rather not admit that they were perhaps much worse than today's generation, they would rather look upon their generation as the 'golden generation' and look down their noses at today's kids.

In my opinion, the only difference between today's younger generation and the generation of yesteryear is that teens today do not fight because they are part of a particular group simply based on the fashion trend they choose. Instead of criticising these youths perhaps they should be congratulated for being a little bit more accepting.

Perhaps its just the nature of people to look back at the past fondly and maybe when the kids of the 90's are all grown up and have kids of their own they'll be complaining about their offspring being rowdy thugs.

Image from

1 comment:

  1. this is really good. Its so true that people from older generations do tend to look down their noses at younger generations. The truth hurts, but these things really need to be said.
